Elgin Pest Control
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An infestation left alone can increase rapidly. No home has just one mouse and don't be fooled into thinking otherwise. Mice typically breed year-round and can produce up to 10 litters per year, with up to 8 babies per litter. One mouse can multiply into 60 in 3 months. As the infestation grows the risk factor of disease increases. Diseases such as Hantavirus and Salmonellosis and Listeria are transferred through mice urine, droppings, saliva and nesting materials.
Beyond disease, mice love chewing on wires and therefore have the potential to cause a house fire. Mice nest in attics and travel through wall voids entering your living space via the holes supplied for plumbing and cable etc..thereby giving them full access to your household electrical wiring.They chew to keep their teeth short as well as to gain access to places the wires may be blocking (such as the hole a wire runs through). Once a wire becomes bare the chance of it sparking a fire increases.Mice can also chew through soft concrete, wood, drywall, rubber, plastic pipes, insulation, aluminum, and even gas lines.
Mice can fit through spaces much smaller than they appear (think the size of a dime). Entry points include holes and cracks in your foundation and outer walls, doorways and areas around windows, chimneys, roof vents, wherever pipes and wires and the exterior perimeter where wall meets fascia. They can jump, climb and swim, so it's nearly impossible to prevent them from getting inside if entry points are available to them. 
If you've discovered mouse droppings or nesting material, heard noises (even loud noises) in your walls or attic or have seen signs of food packaging being chewed, you most likely have mice in your home and need a professional.
Therefore prevention is key. It's a good idea to permanently stop further infestation by rodent proofing your home. Once Elgin Pest Control has baited your attic and crawl space and placed locked, tamper resistance bait stations in the common areas of your home (underneath sinks, stove etc..) we can inspect the exterior of your home and provide you with a quote to seal all possible points of entry. 

For more info on Rodent Proofing click on our dedicated page in the menu above.
Entry Points